-: services :-

find an end of life doula

An End of Life Doula offers non medical emotional, spiritual, practical and holistic support to individuals and their families who are living with terminal or chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDs, Alzheimers, Dementia and neurological or degenerative conditions.

All Doulas listed on this sight have undergone intensive training and are death aware, and quality of life focused. 

  • Skilled & Experienced
  • Home based Care
  • Legacy Work
  • Advance Care Planning
  • Emotional Support & Guidance
  • Vigil Work & Respite Care

want to register with us?

The End of Life Spiritual Alliance (ELSA) is made up of people who understand first-hand the complexities and challenges of working in the unique space of End of life, palliative care and End-of-Life-As-We-Know it, and have come together to validate, normalise and empower each other as professionals, and people and to raise awareness of the End of Life Doula role within palliative teams, home-care and support space.
Our Vision is to create awareness and support for non-medical End of Life Practitioners by creating safe spaces to network, collaborate and learn, whilst empowering and educating the community about spirituality and emotional wellness during life, death and dying.
  • Listing on Directory
  • Debriefing Circles
  • Connection & Networking Pods
  • Policy Updates & Devs
  • Supervision & Coaching
  • Global networking
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called to be an eol doula?

We offer globally recognised training in the area of End of Life and Palliative Care Doula support which enables you to be skilled theoretically, practically and culturally. 

Our training is also the only End of Life Doula training offered that is listed on the NEDA (National End of Life Doula Association) and our Doulas work internationally and locally to support those in need.

For more information on our 6 week Doula course (100 hours), please do connect with us for criteria and your baseline interview.

  • Globally Recognised
  • Practical Immersion
  • Culturally Relevant
  • Accredited, qualified trainers
  • Ongoing supervision
  • 3 levels of training
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our partnerships

We partner with other organisations in order to ensure we can offer a variety of services to the public and our ELSA practitioners. All our partners play an action role in the life and beyond landscape and can be trusted to offer you care, compassion and world class service


-: services we provide :-

End of Life doula Recommendations
Information & Caregiver Support 
Legacy Work for Families
Life Celebration Planning
Perinatal Loss -Life & Naming Celebrations
Home Readiness During Transition- Death Cleaning 
Coaching For Re-Integration After Loss
Grief & Loss Awareness & Speakers









Information you might need

How do I make an appointment with a End of Life Doula?

Scroll through our services and practitioners and click on the link beneath the doula profile you have selected. They will reach out to you directly with regard to your request.

How do I ensure that my information is kept confidential?

All our practitioners follow a standard scope of practice which includes compliance to keeping your information confidential. You will be guided to a consent and confidentiality form as part of your onboarding process.

Is there a charge for the sessions?

Sessions are conducted by the End of Life Doulas and other practitioners and ELSA exists as a way for you to locate the practitioner best for you. All our ELSA listed practitioners are accountable for their own pricing, but they all will offer a free 30 minute session to meet with you virtually in order to customise your care plan. Thereafter pricing will be discussed with you by the Practitioner you select.

What if I need a counsellor or similar?

We have a robust network and want to ensure you get the best support for your needs so we will then guide you towards finding the right service provider for you.

What if I cannot afford a EOL session?

We have many practitioners who offer volunteer and pro bono hours. Some work under mentorship and others want to give back, all are trained and skilled. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need help, but cannot afford it. We aim to serve everyone who needs it.

Send us a message